Today marks another 'one year ago today' episode. It's probably not real significant in the big picture of the former 3 Strikes Ranch; but it is something that gave a couple of Jason Meduna's supporters something more to lie about....
I've written about it; when Justin and Josh dug out the auto gate (some call them 'cattle guards'). That was on July 3, 2009. Most people living beside the Medunas would do the same: that is- make sure your own cattle couldn't just walk across an auto gate and get on to his property. That's the whole just of it; he wouldn't dig them out. He was the only 'neighbor' that would not dig out the auto gates when needed. We were his only neighbor that had an auto gate to dig out, as he had to drive through our land to get to his main entrance. There were other places he could enter his land, but the main entrance was thru ours.
After the kids dug the auto gate out, and Jason filled it back in, makes me wonder just what Gilbert Ray Field or Jim Lambley would have done; if they had spent the time on a hot summer day, digging out an auto gate - to keep cattle where they should be....only to have Meduna come and fill it back in. Yet, it was those 2 people who had conversation on Lambley's radio station, "The Twister", out of Gordon, NE; that the Freibergers were tresspassing onto Jason Meduna's land and digging out an auto gate that they had no business doing so. Besides this being a total lie, I wonder if they realized what idgits they made themselves sound like to anyone who knows what auto gates are all about? or what the standard, neighborly thing is about sharing the responsibility of digging out auto gates.
Which speaking of.... that is my subject. Ray Field - whom some in the horse world are familiar with. I prefer to call him Gilbert Ray Field, as that is his name. I received a call from a friend one day, telling me they just heard the Freibergers mentioned on the Gordon radio. It seems that Mr. Lambley, and Gilbert have developed a talk show friendship and were defending Jason Meduna for all they were worth.
So the next week I decided to listen. Wow, they were talking about us! I think at some time, Mr. Twisted/Twister declared that Ray Field was not paying for his radio time. They must have really been friends then, because Gilbert had a lot of radio time on there. Once I got over being upset of all the lies he was telling, he became almost comical, foolish...I'm grasping for the correct word.
Ray, Gilbert, Gil - whoever..... this must have been a band wagon he jumped on for politcal, financial, publicity, or just a fight with BLM? He stated on air that he had never met Jason Meduna in person, that he would not even know him if he walked past him on the street....that being; he had never been to 3 Strikes Ranch. But my how he knew all about it, about the auto gate, about the Freiberger's tresspassing. In fact, in wrote about us on his website. I believe he called us the "Frillibergers". I'm not sure if that was just to make fun of our name, or he thought it might save him if he was ever brought into the court system.
He posted many pictures in reference to us. I imagine Jason or Anissa were sending them to him, or one of their fan club members. One picture in particular I think of; was a picture of the brother-in-law to the owner of Rayu. (A whole other story, Rayu being the horse Meduna said Justin - my son- stole, right out from under Jason's nose. The horse that was 'like a son to him'.)
I get off track pretty easily in talking about 3 Strikes Ranch, there is so much garbage to cover. Anyway, Gilbert posted a picture of this man standing at the fence, the opposite side of the fence showed cow poop. Imagine that, there had been cows in the pasture. These guys are smarter than I thought they were. What Gilbert claimed on his web site was the the Frilleibergers had purposely fed their cows up along the fenceline - (I think this had to do with the claims that we were feeding along the fenceline, poisoning Jason Meduna's horses - which would have included the horses owned by others that people had entrusted Jason Meduna to care for).
I sent many emails to Gilbert Field to ask him to remove what he was printing on the internet about us, because it was all lies. I even said he should come see for himself. He finally removed the picture I mentioned, after I emailed him and told him he must feel silly, because that picture was not even our land; but that I would pass it on to the people that did own the land, and that I was sure they would like to know Gilbert was putting pictures like that on his web site, about their land. That was the only thing he removed, until court proceedings started with Meduna (perfect timing for Gilbert)
Gil removed that picture. OK, I was gone for a minute; rounding up all the stuff copied from Gilbert's web site about the ..... Freibergers, I mean .... the "Frilibergers" or the "Frielebergers" or the "friliberge" or the (my favorite) "Frilelibergers" and the closest, "Freilberger". I even emailed Gilbert with the correct spelling of our name! HA HA.
I have the cutest little folder made about the Frilelibergers, since we had our own little section on Gilbert's web site. By the way, his organization is Wild Horse Foundation, in Texas. He will probably think to himself that he just got the edge, that I have promoted his web site. Oh.... contrare! I can't believe the people he has plastered on it. To each his own, but sort of confirms my thoughts of doing this just for political reasons.....problem is - HE PUT MY FAMILY THRU THE MUD IN DOING SO. So I cannot think too much good of people that promote him on his web site; I don't care who they are. I wonder if half of those people even know they are pictured on his site with their good buddy Gil?
Well, more about what he wrote - about us:
Neighbors Gone Wild.... was that about us? Gilbert is a silly person (it's hard to use the term, 'man'.)
Gilbert wrote that we wanted the land and the previous owner, (which would be Glen Kooper- God rest his soul; who was a very good friend of ours) - wouldn't sell it to us. Gilbert didn't mention the fact that Don and I were over at Glen and Lucille's talking about the land... we knew that people would buy it for more than we wanted to pay. Shame on Gilbert for telling any lies about Glen or Lucille. I'd say that makes Gil scum; to tell anything but the truth about Glen or Lucille. Glen was a good neighbor, who loved his family and his neighbors meant a lot to him. He said we'd been furious ever since Glen wouldn't sell the land to us.
Gilbert stated on his web site that we had started at $50 per acre in our offer (did anyone even take him serious???? - I mean that's a real smart person there to think anybody would even actually put an offer of $50 to someone for land. What a joke!) Anyway, he said we went from $50 to $200 per acre, but that the former owner (which would be Glen) hated our guts so bad that he sold the land to Meduna! That is what Gilbert Ray Field (I can spell his name correctly) - put on his web site. Then he talks about the fly over pictures; and that the bad land is actually ours, and he says people are asking how we can do that to our land.
One thing I almost forgot; as I was listening on the radio to Lambley and Gilbert talking, Gilbert said Jason had told him that he had the land sold for $220 and the Freibergers stopped the sale! (How much intelligence does it take on this one?) - (By the way, a smart person would have called Mr. Korth and found out the truth before they broadcast the wrong information) - So Gilbert went on to say that he told Jason he just can't let the Freibergers get away with this stuff. Don't let them bully him is what he said! And then.... this is a corker: he said, "Nobody looks at that property without the Freiberger's OK, nobody bids on the land without the Freiberger's OK, and nobody buys the land without the Freiberger's OK."
Nothing like comic land - my husband said, "geez, if we have that much clout, we should be doing something different!" Gave us all a good laugh anyway. I'm not sure how much Mr. Korth thought it was all funny when I visited to him about it. He mentioned he was going to make a phone call.
Keep in mind, I emailed Gilbert Ray Field, asking him if Jason was just sending this information to him? because it was lies - everything stated about us were lies. I asked him to remove the pictures and statements about us, but he would not. I also told Mr. Lambley that my husband would like to have a person-to-person interview with Field at the radio station, but there was no reply. Courageous, right? Definately not fair and balanced news!
Gilbert wrote on his web site that our 'children' (I'd like him to meet face to face with my 'children'!!) dug out the auto gate on the 'other people land' because we thought we would have run Meduna off by now. Wow - more intelligence!
And people support this type of person?
Gilbert posted a picture of our 3 horses by the fence, and a bale on Meduna's side, when Meduna had someone come bale hay - after the horses were gone mind you!!!! - and he put the caption as 'Please let us have good grass, its sweet and green....' I wrote back to him that the only reason our horses were at the fence line, was because they hadn't seen hay being put up over at Meduna's for years. They were astonished. I know, back and forth yackity-yack. But it was pretty hard seeing someone bash your family, and your family name on an internet site, where the whole world could read.
He accused me of 'losing my mind'. He accused me of 'stalking' - I guess Meduna. Well, I question Gilbert Fields true love for horses; if he had seen the dead horses that we did, could he have just ignored it? That does not make someone who has the horses' best interest at heart.
Gilbert said that ever since Jason owned the land, we have called the BLM more than the White House. He said the dead didn't get any rest around us. (Was he talking about the horses that died at Meduna's?) He said we've caused more harassment than any 'varment in the land'. He stated that the new owners will bring "these morons to stop faster than a prairie rabbit in heat"....morons meaning the Frileilgergs? Wow, and people throw money at this person.
What class he has...what integrity.
He stated that it's neighbors like these (that would be us) that make a man want to own sheep. Well I can't even throw a comment out there for Gilbert on that one. I guess he speaks for himself.
He stated this about me...
"anyone can spell DUMB"
"you LIE you get caught"
and he called me, "Gomer"
Personally, I liked Gomer Pyle!
And people throw money at this person?????
Reading down in my notes, Gilbert goes back to the autogate...(he's a gluton for making himself sound like a fool)...
He stated that looking at the picture of the auto gate that the 'filiberg had her kids dig out' on MEDUNA'S place (it was IN the fence line - not ON Meduna's place) that it looked like steel pipe (whoa, Gilbert does have some smarts about some stuff). He wanted someone to explain how an autogate could be dug out like I CLAIM it can be - he went on to say that I was telling a lie, but then made a comment like, 'oops I wouldn't tell a lie'. He's write, 'ole Gilbert is...I wouldn't tell a lie.
This is how we dig an auto gate out... (Of course on this one, they had to first remove the dirt on top of the auto gate that Meduna put on)
It's the magic auto gate. I doubt Gilbert knows anything about these sort of auto gates, it just takes a little muscle and willing to do some digging. (Twice in 2 days in this case for the Friellelberger children)
And then you just dig out the sides from under the pipes.
When you've dug it out, just put the center panel back where it goes.
All done. And they didn't even trespass!
Next, Gilbert says we don't have grass on our land, 'like the Three Strikes' - and he continues on to tell me, "Grow Up".
He also mentions the Range Management Specialist that did the proceedure wrong! I imagine Gilbert was fed many, many lies....yet he didn't desire to call us and ask our side. He slandered us, and made no attempt to find out the truth. As far as the grass test, as he testified in
court, there wasn't enough grass to 'cut' the clippings as they usually do - and for everyone's information, sadly; the grass in the hills is still not coming back as it should. Now Gilbert would just say I'm up to my lies again, but as he stated to me, 'the proof is is the puddin or in the sand'. I always thought that was a stupid saying, but 'in the sand'? Well, that one makes sense! "The proof is in the sand" .... "or not!"
Of course, Gilbert posted many pictures on his web site of the 3 Strikes Ranch. He posted pictures of hay that was put up by a couple of guys for Meduna. They did it for a percentage of the hay. Anissa said in court they put the hay up to show people how much hay they had! How Einsteiny is this? Put up hay after all your horses have been removed, but you didn't put up hay when they were there, needing it for survival. I'm sure that must have made quite an impression on everyone.
Gilbert wrote on his web site, "Frilelibergers rant on land, gosh they want it bad". Now why would a person write this that has no idea of any of the facts about this whole situation? If we really wanted it that bad, we would have purchased it from Koopers in the first place!
When Gilbert rambled on about the fact that Don and Vickie Freilberger had pictures of no grass on that place, he made a remark that there was no confirmation of when the pictures were taken, or that they were even taken of the 3 Strikes Land; one thing he forgets, the Deputy Sheriff was on that land and saw for himself the condition of it - the Dep. Sheriff was there because Jason Meduna called him.
I question the integrity of a person that can spew so many recklace lies from his mouth and in print. I imagine he truly did jump on the Meduna band wagon; for his own gain. Whatever that might be. To me, he just buried himself. But I'm finding that some people don't always care about who they hurt, or who they can take down.... as long as they think they are coming out ahead.
Gilbert Ray Field said the moral was for the Freibergers that the grass ain't always greener...etc. So learn to be a good neighbor, not snoops or noisy bodies. (I'm sure he meant nosey bodies, but he spelled it as noisy. Heck, maybe he meant noisy, I never could figure out exactly where he was coming from with his statements....)
Oh yes, on the lighter side.... Gil posted to the world that there would be an estimate of 2 million pounds of hay that would be baled. Now the guys did get a good laugh out of that one! I guess in Texas you put up your hay by the pound? Wow. (I know, that's not to slam my Texas friends that know what they're talking about.) The two guys that put up the hay were Jeremy and Shawn. The bales averaged 1100 lb. each - there were 155 bales left at Meduna's - they too the rest. There was a total of about 310 bales of hay put up, that makes 341,000 pounds, or 170.5 Ton - a far cry from 2 million pounds.
And then of course, he said we should get a real life.
We have a real life. We take care of our animals. All of them, whether it's cattle, horses, dogs, or cats. We believe in God, in Jesus, and we try to live by the standards set forth in the Bible. We are not perfect, no one is. My husband has been on this land his entire life (except for a couple years gone for college) - he is 4th generation here. My sons are 5th generation. We have a life.
Tomorrow we celebrate Independance Day. With this, come my freedom and right to say what I did here. Gilbert also has rights to voice whatever. It is just sad that he doesn't care whom he hurts, he doesn't care about our reputation; he tried to bash our name in country where we sometimes sell cattle. Was that the intent?
I have noticed many well-known people on his web site: Congressman Chet Edwards; Wayne Pacelle - it states he's President of HSUS (what is strange about this, is how much he was bashing HSUS on the radio station!); Chuck Norris; Congressman Chris Bell; John Cotton; Brad Bradford, Houston's City Counsilman; Gene Norman; then he posts the names of people like Brooke Shields, Sugar Ray Leonard, Nolan Ryan, Kelly McGillis, Sparky Lyle, Kris Kristofferson, Michael Knight, Roger Clements, and on...
I guess these people know a different Gilbert Field. I have personally never met this man, although I have emailed him to ask him to stop putting the lies on his web site. They are of course, gone. As soon as the Meduna trial started, he removed what I've talked about. But there are copies of it all over.
Is this what we have become as citizens of this country? Anything to get ahead, anything to promote yourself for your own gain? NO matter who you hurt in doing so? To each his own right? I'm glad I live where I live. I'm thankful I don't have to go to bed at night feeling guilty for any wrong I've done people. I am thankful for so many people that have spent their lives truly trying to help the horses. I'm thankful I've gotten to know them. Some I've met, some by phone, and some just by emailing, etc.
There's always a bad apple in the bunch, thank heavens there's more good!
Have a safe and happy 4th of July.
Vicki Freiberger